Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Pin of the Day - Bookshelf Porn

Oh dear. Not been on here in quite some time. Dissertation hell has shackled me to the library and banished anything that could be remotely construed as procrastination, including my blogging beginnings.
However the procrastinating has returned.

This has always been a favourite site of mine which I discovered through pinterest a few months ago, but I hadn't looked at it in a while. My friend however posted a link to it on Facebook this morning and the way I see it, has helped combine both procrastination and what I was actually supposed to be doing - looking at books and writing about them.

Go to Bookshelf Porn (named one of the best blogs of 2012 by The Times) for a collection of creatively shot photographs of bookshops, libraries and bookshelves, both old and new. The photographs are hauntingly beautiful and create an original and vivacious collection of images that should be admired like an online art gallery.

The above show two of my favourite images from the site. The second photograph reminds me of myself as next week I have an art essay to write and will be doing the same as the woman pictured. Not quite as elegantly I fear - probably crying and looking gaunt; lacking in sleep. The first reminds me of a world of mystery and magic, of story books filled with the glittering atmosphere this photograph produces. I can just imagine the smell of that small alcove. Musty and old and full of adventure.



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Thank you so much for all the lovely comments! I read and appreciate them all and will either respond here, or shimmy over to your blog and say hello there! Lots of love, Megan xxx

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