Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Lovin' The Lumineers

This week, I got invited along with a friend of mine to see the Lumineers. 

Realising I hadn't actually been to a proper gig in a while I wasn't quite sure what to wear, but kept it casual with my Joni Topshop jeans (£30), a crochet crop top also from Topshop, (£20) and kept Elvis proud by donning my blue (fake) suede shoes from Primark (£13). I still thought I looked a little bit dinner-date however so I shoved on an old headband from Urban Outfitters and applied some dark lipstick, Boots's own 17 in 'Rich' (£4.99) 

I also accessorised with my trusty Deena and Ozzy bag below (£45.99) and after being to the gym to shower (see previous post!) I was feeling fresh. My hair was clean with no greasy gollum-ness and there were no dirt patches or scales in sight. 

We arrived at the Academy and headed straight to the bar for a pint - a novelty for me as the last time I was here I was only a seventeen year old lassie from the wee Isle of Arran (still unsure at that point of what a large crowd of people actually looked like). The Lumineers were supported by Langhorne Slim, an American singer-song writer whose sound was also very acoustic and folksy. We managed to barge our way to the front for a great night of Lumineers tunage. So many of their songs that I hadn't particularly thought were that good were amazing live. I also think I've fallen in love with the lead singer - Wesley Shultz. Mrs. Megan Shultz. Totally has a ring to it. Afterwards we headed back to the West End for an end of evening pint in The Oran Mor. A lovely wee night - I could actually drink in the Academy, I was clean, and I discovered, surprisingly, that guys with the name Wesley could actually be hot.

(Thanks to my lovely flatmate Amy for taking the cringey, posy pics of me in our kitchen.)


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